Thursday, February 16, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Over the weekend the lovely Becky at From Generation to Generation... passed the Liebster blog award on to me!! Thankyou so much Becky - I am incredibly honored!  - What with all of the chaos opening the Jennelise Rose Etsy shop I haven't had a chance till now to accept the award and pass it to five other beautiful bloggers!
The Liebster Blog Award is awarded to blogs that are new and under 200 followers.
Liebster is a German word meaning dearest or favorite...
If you are chosen to be a Liebster Blog award winner,
you must complete three steps.
1.Choose five blogs to pass the award onto.
They must have less than 200 followers.
2.Show your thanks to the blog who gave you the award,
by linking back to them.
3. Post the blogs you have given the award to... linking back to their blogs.

Here are the five blogs I have chosen for this award:

1. Jill McDowell at! Jill's blog celebrates the beauty of French design and vintage decorating with beautiful photos and musings that leave you wanting to take a trip to the flea market or sip a glass of lemonade in your garden. A recent discovery Fussy French is a new favorite!

2. Tricia at Conversations with the Muses! Tricia's blog is, in a word, MAGICAL!!! Visiting Conversations with the Muses is much like stepping into a Faerie realm full of whimsical palaces, feathery wings, and goassamer gowns! You will be amazed at her creations and enchanted by her passion for detail and beauty!

3. Dana at Lambs and Ivy Designs! Dana has an incredible talent for ribbon work. She uses old techniques and fine ribbons to create her beautiful roses, flowers, and stems which she fashions into gorgeous accessories such as bracelets, pins, hair pieces, etc. Her lovely blog is just a taste of what she has to offer!

4. Karla at The Purple Bow! Karla's blog has something new and unique every week whether it is a beautiful design idea, a gorgeous fashion piece, or a new treasure to add to your wish list. The Purple Bow is absolutely charming!

5. Melissah at Country Style Chic! I have mentioned Melissah's beautiful blogs before I am sure but Country Style Chic is one of my absolute favorites! A visit there will immediately make you feel like spring has arrived - even in the middle of winter! Her photos and thoughts are fresh and charming!

I hope you enjoy visiting these wonderful blogs!!! I certainly do! Thankyou again for your support and for this award Becky!


  1. Hi Jennelise, thank you very much for giving me this award. I see that you almost didnt fall in the 200 category! congratulations for that!
    Receiving this award is such a compliment, I hope to pass it on soon to my favorite less than 200 followers-blogs. This is a great idea because we usually hear about the same big and famous blogs! Thanks!

  2. Congratulations, dear Jennelise!
    Will check out these blogs, they look fabulous..
    - Irina

  3. Jennelise, it's so nice that someone likes your beautiful blog enough to give you an award. They have very good taste in blogs since they chose yours. I am still enjoying dropping by now and then to look at your beautiful blog and drawings. Thank you for continuing to display my feature button. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with people you love and have fun with. I would like to invite you to show something beautiful at my party on Mon. at 8 pm EST. Would love to showcase your beautiful drawings or other items for you ( not for sale items). . Please come if you like.--------- Shannon

  4. Hi, Jennelise; congratulations on this nice award, and how lovely to pay it forward by letting us know about five great blogs; I've added more than a few now to my Favorites, thanks to your generous comments about blogs in previous posts. It's great to get the word out and I love that it's not a competition but merely an ever-widening circle of bloggers just loving the same things. Sharing and caring...we just do it in cyberspace whereas my great-grandmother did it in a quilting party or after-church picnic at the lake. We find our ways to connect, no matter what century.

    1. He descubierto tu blog y me ha gustado su contenido. Desde hoy lo sigo, si lo deseas te invito a conocer mi blog, si es de tu agrado, me gustarĂ­a tenerte como seguidora en mi blog para seguir en contacto. Un saludo muy cordial.

  5. Jennelise congratulations on your well deserved award and thank-you so much for the lovely award and your very thoughtful comments - I am really honoured & flattered.
