Monday, October 17, 2011

Couture Costumes

"We do not need magic to transform our world.
We carry all the power we need inside ourselves
already. We have the power to imagine better."
                           ~J. K. Rowling

    This has been my pet project for the past six weeks and I am very excited to show you! My favorite holiday has always been Christmas but my younger sister lives for Halloween. She starts planning her costume in July and can change her mind up to three or four times always looking fabulous when the day actually arrives. This year I found myself getting caught up in her planning - looking at pictures on the web, items in online stores, artwork, and movies until I was struck with my own inspiration to draw a collection of costumes of my own! The collection includes costumes for a: Vampire, Ghost, Witch, Princess, Queen of Hearts, Mad Hattress, Ballerina, Mermaid, Fairy Queen, and Masquerade Ball. I have given each drawing a name and I would love to hear from you which costume would be your choice if they could be real! Have fun!

                               MIDNIGHT MASQUERADE

                                                      QUEEN MAB

                          TREASURE OF THE DEEP

                                        DEARLY BELOVED

                                                HOCUS POCUS

                                      PRIMA BALLERINA


                                     THE MAD HATTRESS

                                     ONCE UPON A TIME

                                                   LADY BLOOD

                              MADEMOISELLE GRIM


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  1. Queen Mab, Once upon a time, or the ballerina.They are all just so pretty really.Very sweet artwork.Thanks for sharing.

  2. MIDNIGHT MASQUERADE is my best, I love the wired undergarment and all the trims that comes with it.
    Second I like is THE MAD HAT-TRESS, all the layers of her dress is so sweet and the stacked tea cups.
    Your drawings are so artistic, I love them all.
    Happy Halloween.

  3. Oh Jennelise they're all absolutely wonderful! You're sooo talented! It's a tie for me between Midnight Masquerade and Queen Mab *winks* Will you sister be wearing one of your inspirations? Vanna

  4. Hello,
    I visited your blog today. Your blog is so lovely, and your photos are unique. As I was scrolling down, I noticed the picture frames. I am a big collector of frames, and yours are gorgeous. I was reading on, and I see that you like pink. I love pink too and even did a post about it called "A Glorious Color." Me and my daughters started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your beautiful things. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  5. found you and your lovely blog via BBC and would love to have you visit and have a great giveaway at the moment!



  6. I would love to wear Queen Mab but I think I would also love to wear Hocus Pocus or Queen of Hearts. They are all so lovely!
    I am blown away by your photography and of course your stunning artwork! I didn't realize how frequently you blog. I need to subscribe today! Hope you're doing well and we'll have to catch up soon. :)
    Love from Melanie

  7. Beautiful designs! It's a tough choice, but I would say it's between Hocus Pocus (witch costumes tend to be my fave costumes:D) and the Mad Hattress (in my teen years, I had a hat collection so very suiting! And I'm a Alice in Wonderland type of gal :D).

    Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and showing my pie some love! If I could, I would send you a slice :P

  8. These are awesome. The Mad Hatress is my favorite. Very nice!

  9. You are amazing, Jennelise! I cannot wait for your Etsy to open. These are SO creative!!! How do I pick just one?? Ok, if I absolutely have to choose, it would be Treasure of the Deep. I love water:)
    These are so beautiful..
    - Irina

  10. Jennelise!!!! These are absolutely wonderful! You are quite the artist. Love it so much I'm becoming a follower. Thanks for the visit and the sweet comment @TheDedicatedHouse! It means the world. Have a grand Tuesday. Toodles, Kathryn

  11. You are very talented. I like Treasure of the Deep, but they are all stunning.

  12. I am SOOOO impressed! These are absolutely lovely! Each and every one releases the imagination with what these characters might be like if they came to life! Just beautiful, Jennelise!

  13. Oh my goodness!! Thankyou so much everyone for your wonderful comments! I am so glad you all enjoyed the costumes! They were so much fun to make. I was only going to do a few but then I kept getting ideas and the number kept increasing! It sounds like Queen Mab, Midnight Masquerade, and the Mermaid are among the top picks! I personally love the Queen of Hearts and if I could pull it off I would probably choose to try on the Vampire gown. :) Thankyou so much for all of your compliments and kind words! I love to hear from you! This was so much fun! Take care!

  14. Had a fun time getting to your lovely blog. Stunning drawings, lots of detail. As for my faves, Dearly Beloved is perfectly spooky. I also love the tiny details on the Lady Blood outfit. I'd have a hard time picking which to wear.
    Ratty Hugs ~C8>

  15. Oh, my goodness! What wonderful drawings! Seems that you should be publishing a Paper Doll book! If I were still teaching art I would share these designs with my students. They would love them as much as i do! Thank you for following French at Heart. I am definitely going to follow you, as I love everything I've seen so far on this blog. I wish you would follow Quiddity2, also, as I post more frequently there.
    So nice to meet you, Jennelise!
