I was sitting at work during a slow hour today and paging absent-mindedly through a magazine to pass the time. Turning one page there was a little article about a couple starting a bed and breakfast - without much interest I started reading it. The photograph of a picturesque little white house provided the backdrop as the writer told of her and her husband's journey from vague dream, to the purchase of the house and subsequent painstaking renovations, to their first guests. It was a charming story that appealed to me in some unknown way. When I reached the final few paragraphs of the article the author talked about the rich rewards of pursuing her dream and working through the difficulties and set-backs which were by no means easy! There were times, she said, she wanted to let it all go but persevered in spite of the trials and doubts until their was success. She wrote in her conclusion, "So go ahead---dream, follow your passion and if that dream doesn't work, try another one." I couldn't believe my eyes started to prick! I laughed inside as I sat behind the counter of the store I work in and tried to keep tears from leaking out. I don't know if something inside of me wanted permission to dream or responded to the simplicity of the message in her story. Dream and then
try. Don't give up or be afraid to work hard. Difficult doesn't mean impossible and the reward is always there for the people who hold tight - hearts open and ready to receive. I smiled as I read the closing line of this lady's story - words by Henry David Thoreau:
"Live the life you have imagined."
I've shared a few of my passions with you already, but today I wanted to give you a little peek at one of my first loves: drawing. I have been drawing since I was a toddler and it has always given me incredible joy. To share it with others in some way has always been one of my dreams. Below are some photos of my sketchbook and a few drawings I have done with the materials that I love to use. I hope you like them, and most of all I hope that you have passions and dreams that inspire you to create and act and live fearlessly!
Jennelise, your drawings are just amazing, bravo!!! Christie