"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~Norman Vincent Peale Well I don't know about everyone else but I have begun decorating for Christmas. I am ready for the season to begin! It is so much fun every year to get out your boxes and rediscover your Christmas treasures. It's amazing how many things I forget! This year though there is an extra special treat for everyone because I am putting some Christmas treasures in my Etsy Store. --The most special Christmas treasures of all … drumroll … my beautiful hand made Christmas boxes! Gasp! Very carefully crafted and filled to bursting with sparkles, pearls, and roses these boxes are one of a kind! I hope you will pop by and take a look but for now here is a sneak peek of the Christmas decorations and a couple new vintage items for sale. I hope everyone is starting to get in the Holiday spirit!
"Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them." ~David Hume I don't know about everyone else but I like to start my Christmas shopping early. Actually - I like to start Christmas in general early! I have already started going through my boxes full of Christmas decorations and bringing out the odd piece here and there. I love seeing the decorations starting to appear in shop windows. It's so exciting! Are you in the mood yet? I know in the States you're still in Thanksgiving mode so probably not but I am definitely starting to feel the urge to bring out the tree, drink hot cocoa, and sift through bins of pretty wrapping paper and trimmings. I have added a good sized batch of new treasures to the Etsy Shop. I hope you will take a look! Here is your sneak preview! Expect Christmas related posts soon - I don't think I can wait much longer! Haha!
"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done." ~Vincent Van Gogh I realized recently that I never posted about one of my big summer projects. You all know that I do custom art pieces called "About Me" or "Favourite Things" Collages. I did one about a year ago for my Mum and I have done many, many more since (If you want to see the post I did about my Mum's first collage you can see it here). Well my Mum decided this summer that she deserved to have another one! I worked hard on this one - made it bigger and better than the last one - and the finished result was framed. I thought I would show it to you for fun! My Mum and I share the same tastes and this collage is all about pretty things that she loves from French furniture, to jewelry, to Marie Antoinette. I hope you like the pictures!