Thursday, November 7, 2013

Another Collage for Mum

"It is good to love many things,
for therein lies the true strength,
and whosoever loves much performs
much, and can accomplish much, 
and what is done in love is well done."
              ~Vincent Van Gogh

    I realized recently that I never posted about one of my big summer projects. You all know that I do custom art pieces called "About Me" or "Favourite Things" Collages. I did one about a year ago for my Mum and I have done many, many more since (If you want to see the post I did about my Mum's first collage you can see it here). Well my Mum decided this summer that she deserved to have another one! I worked hard on this one - made it bigger and better than the last one - and the finished result was framed. I thought I would show it to you for fun! My Mum and I share the same tastes and this collage is all about pretty things that she loves from French furniture, to jewelry, to Marie Antoinette. I hope you like the pictures! 

Also there are new pretties in the Etsy Shop!

I am sharing with:


  1. Jennelise.....what an AWESOMELY talented and creative artist you are... l also loved the quote from Van Gogh, and it perfectly describes your labour of love......your Mum must feel truly blessed.

    1. Oh thank you! You are so sweet! I loved the quote too :)

  2. Did you draw this and color it.

    It is lovely. What a beautiful face.

    Or did you buy it from Marie Antoinnette her kit and you arrrange it.. I love her work Marie and she is selling it now . I ask as you say you made it but not sure if you did by scratch as Marie does also. unless your Marie's friend she talks about doing art like herself.

    She was the first gal who got me doing lace, bling albums. She is the very best.

    Beautiful for your Mom especialy when she is a fan of Marie. I have an album she made. I just love it.

  3. I drew it by hand :) I love Marie Antoinette. She is one of my favourite characters to draw! Thankyou for stopping by!

  4. Lindos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. It's a fabulous collage, Jennelise! You are incredibly talented and such a lovely work for your Mom. Thank you for sharing and I wish you a beautiful weekend. xo
