"Taking pictures is savouring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." ~Marc Riboud I'm on INSTAGRAM now! I was reading about social media on the Etsy news feed and it seems like everyone is talking about instagram. I've watched my friends load pictures onto instagram and never really bothered to ask what it was. :) Well now I've taken the leap and I think it is really fun! I like it better than Facebook actually. Anyway, you can now follow me on instagram if you have an account there. Here are a few snapshots that I have taken with the instagram ap - I like the filter effects! They make everything look a bit moody and vintage...
"A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in -- what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars." ~Victor Hugo Les Miserables I have been working on Gillyflowers for the past week or so! I have just added six new flowers, two ribbon work hearts, and a few other pretties to the Etsy Shop! I love to make the flowers because I never know how they are going to turn out. I will begin with one idea and as I sew something else blossoms! My brain is full of ideas lately - I have taken to keeping them in notebooks, in my phone, file folders, pinterest boards... My lists have lists!! If only there were time for everything. I am slowly working my way through all of them. How wonderful it is to be constantly inspired! Sometimes I think it is the time of year. Spring is a time of inspiration...
"Loveliest of lovely things are they on earth that soonest pass away. The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower." ~William C. Bryant I found the most beautiful roses the other day! Billowy pink stained petals they caught my eye from across the room and I couldn't leave without them. I only bought three but they have bloomed beautifully and brightened up my room. I have also been making miniature fairy dresses! I have been wanting to try my hand at tiny gowns for awhile - I have seen so many beautiful paper dresses on tumblr and pinterest! When I watched the Miss Dior petit theatre I suddenly felt that I had to try and make some little dresses of my own! Listed in my Etsy Shop now are two little fairy dresses which I made myself. I hope you enjoy these photos! Spring is on the way!