"That beautiful season the Summer! Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; And the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The warmer weather has arrived and the last few days have been filled with picnics and pools, sunshine, and the smell of flowers! I love summer and the excitement behind even the simplest of activities. At the same time as my summer revels I have been working on photos for a special fall project. These are just a few 'extra' pictures that I thought you might like to see from my home. You can tell from these photos that my house has an overriding theme of soft cream and roses...
"There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of existence." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
July is flying by! For all the promises I made to blog more I have had a difficult time finding the spare minutes to take pictures for you! There is always a certain frenzy attached to summer - like the heart knows it needs to fit in as much fun and sunshine as it possibly can before the fall comes! I feel it especially in the country that I live in because summer is so short and the winter is soooo long. At any rate I did manage to take some photographs today to share with you. I have been lucky in the past few months to find a few more beautiful pieces of French china (my favourite as you know). If it is French and has roses on it I can't resist! Another of my weaknesses is pretty cake stands. I love them in porcelain or glass and I seem to be amassing a bit of a collection at this point. :) I hope you are all enjoying your summer days!
"The earth laughs in flowers." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson The chief reason that I love summer is because it is a season of colour. After all of the long winter months when the world is powdered in a neutral palette of white and grey summer feels like a sudden release! I love to see the flowers starting to bloom first on the trees and then slowly in the garden. Trips to the garden centers are an occasion! Which colours to choose this year? Those glass houses filled to brimming with plants of every size and shape sitting in an ordered chaos on the ground and hanging from the ceiling draped in delicate clouds of mist-- it's like walking through paradise! My Mum and I spent the afternoon at a lovely garden centre outside of town ambling through the flowers with my little niece. The air was warm and humid and the scent of flowers was so heady I could almost taste it! Our roses are blooming now as well and I love to watch the bushes fill with new blossoms. This is the joy of summer!
"If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own it will never happen. If you wait until you can afford to buy everything new you are missing the point. It is the old, the new, the made, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn (but loved) things in your home that make it your own." ~Stacy Risenmay Well I have had a summer cold all week which has not been fun! Colds should not exist when the sun is shining and the weather is warm in my opinion. It is July! I can hardly believe how the time has flown. The season of sun is here and all of the favourite pastimes of the summer are waiting around the corner! I can hardly wait! Because I was sick this week I didn't get the chance to take lots of pictures. The week previous though I helped out at my favourite antique store for a day and I did take some quick photos with my phone of just a few of the gorgeous treasures to be found there. I wanted to capture details-- the cut of antique crystal, a pretty painted face on a figurine, the gilt patina of a mirror, little things that help to make antiques and vintage pieces so special. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Remember to enjoy the little things in life...sometimes they are the most important!