"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." ~L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
What is that expression? - 'The hurrieder I go the behinder I get!' That has definitely been me for the last couple weeks! I think there needs to be two of me (or three or four!). At some point I suppose you have to decide to just run with the chaos and find some calm from within instead of without. I am pretty sure that with the Christmas season looming (in a good way of course) that things are going to get busier instead of quieter so let's just take a moment to relax and admire something pretty. As promised I have photographed a few of my recent finds. I am somewhat addicted to antique mirrors. I know that they aren't terribly feng shui but I can't live without them! To me they are the jewelry of a room and I have found a couple lately that are truly unique and gorgeous!
"I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual." ~Henry David Thoreau
Here in Canada it is Thanksgiving weekend and I am looking forward to time with family and friends! I am not really one for Fall decor largely because I spend the first month of Autumn clinging to summer with all my willpower! Once October rolls around though I am generally resigned to the change in season and ready to celebrate it a little. This year I bought some tiny pumpkins and spent an afternoon "playing" with them. My efforts resulted in a lot of paint drips and spilt glitter but I managed to make something whimsical to display for Thanksgiving. If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen the tiny pumpkin coach I made for my niece. :) I also came across a lovely vintage basket at an antique mall recently and decorated it with silk ribbons, pearls, and handmade flowers. I am not an orange girl so everything is pastel and pretty (well what else would you expect from me really??). I hope you are all having a marvellous weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!